Innovating Factory Design: Mallcom Factory in Ahmedabad


Situated on the premises of an old textile mill compound in Ahmedabad, India, the Mallcom factory, designed by IKSOI architects and completed in 2023, stands as a pioneering example of modern factory design. Specializing in PPE garment-stitching, this factory embodies a holistic approach that harmonizes manufacturing needs with the social, economic, and environmental contexts of contemporary India.

Fnctional Excellence

The factory’s design places a strong emphasis on functionality, ensuring efficiency, safety, and productivity in the production process. Yet, beyond its utilitarian purpose, the building serves as a hub for innovation and experimentation, fostering the development of new ideas and technologies.

Honest Materials and Structural Integrity

Constructed with simple yet robust materials like steel and concrete, the Mallcom factory exudes authenticity and integrity. The straightforward use of these materials underscores the building’s purpose and inspires creativity among its occupants.

Spatial Composition

The factory’s layout comprises four distinct volumes separated by skylights, each serving different functions. This structural arrangement not only enhances efficiency but also simplifies construction, resulting in shorter spans and more straightforward structures. Skylights along the roofline illuminate the interior, creating bright and airy circulation spaces while facilitating natural ventilation.

Aesthetic Harmony and Tranquility

Maintaining a sense of neat geometry throughout, the factory’s design exudes aesthetic harmony and structural coherence. The repetitive rhythm of columns and beams instills a feeling of order and symmetry, promoting a calm and tranquil working environment.

Poetic Spaces

Daylight filtering through skylights and large windows infuses the factory with a sense of dynamism and temporality. The interplay of light and shadow, coupled with the rhythmic movement of workers and machinery, transforms mundane production activities into poetic expressions of creativity and productivity.

The Mallcom factory in Ahmedabad stands not only as a beacon of industrial innovation but also as a testament to the transformative power of thoughtful design in enhancing both functionality and human experience within industrial settings.

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